Graves writes just days after the Union victory at Wauhatchie: ''I begin to think
that you have forgotten your old friend have not received any letters from any one
but my boy Willis, he thinks enough of me to write. I had a letter from John Burlingame
the other day Tell him to write me and let me know whether he got the 48 Dollars
I sent him tell him it is difficult getting a letter from here now but I will write
him as soon as I can. we are within 4 miles of Chattanooga. have driven the Rebs
from the Valley on to the top of Lookout Mountain and their they remain. They fire at us all day long but they are to high up to do any damage or ells Their powder
is good for nothing write soon good by for this time yours in haste Please direct
to G.E. Graves Nashville Tennessee Co D 154th Regt N.Y.S.Vols 11th Corps Army of
the Cumberland''
George E. Graves mustered into Company D on 24 September 1862 and mustered out on
11 June 1865 at Bladensburg, Maryland.
Source: Internet auction