154th NY on Day 1 of the Battle of Gettysburg
July 1, 1863

The 154th New York was attached to Coster's Brigade at the time of the battle. A
small party of fifty men were ordered to reconioter forward toward a brick yard.
The rest of the regiment along with three others were ordered at the double
quick to a position north of Steven's Run. As soon as they were in line, they
found that Gen. Early's entire division was heading thier way.
As you can see from the map, they were out numbered and were soon overwhelmed. A
large number of the regiment was captured but the remnants retreated back to
Cemetery Hill.

154th NY in full retreat with many members surrendering
Source: Lincourt Historical Collection, New York at Gettysburg: Final Report on the Battle of Gettysburg (Albany: JB Lyon CO, Printer, 1900. Page 1047 - 1052)