Sgt. Marshall H.
Co. K
Pension Paid to Marshall H. Shannon
September 25, 1907
Reissue under
Act of February 2, 1907
No. 174426
United States of America
Department of the Interior
Board of Pensions
It is hereby certified that in conformity with the laws of the United States, Marshall
H. Shannon who was Segeant Co. K. 154th New York Volunteer Infantry and Co. E 5
Regiment Veterans Reserve Corps is entitled to the pension at the rate fifteen dollars
per month to commence on the fifth day of March One Thousand Nine Hundred and Seven.
Given at the Department of the Interior this Twenty-Fifth day of September one thousand
nine hindren and seven and of the Independence of the United States of America the
one hundred and twenty second.
eorge W Woodruff
Acting Secretary of the Interior
Back of Pension

Source: The Lincourt Historical Collection