Sgt. Marshall H.
Co. K
Pension Paid to Victoria Shannon, the widow
of Marshall H. Shannon
June 3, 1918
Act of February 19, 1908. amended by Act of September 8, 1916
No. 846,406
United States of America
Department of the Interior
Board of Pensions

It is herby certified that in conformity with the laws of the United States, Victoria
Shannon widow of Marshall
H. Shannon who was a Sergeant, Co. K, 154th regiment New York Infantry and Co. E., 5th
Regiment Veteran Reserve Corps is entitled to a pension at the rate of Twenty-five dollars
per month to commence March 25, 1918 and to continue
during her widowhood.
Given at the Department of the Interior this third day of June one thousand
nine hundred and eighteen and of the Independence of the United States of America the
one hundred and forty-second.
<signature unreadable>
Source: The Lincourt Historical Collection